Saturday, May 24, 2008

Beautiful Losers - Winning Within With Attitude

By Paul Davis

Beautiful and gracious losers

Huh? What did I hear you say?

I know it's a new concept anyway

One many fail to wonderfully discover

Gloriously awaken to and uncover

It's because most fight for their right

To exert their image and reputation

Exalt and uplift their societal station

Such loathe a moment of degradation

Their self-image frail and easily derailed

By an unkind word or condescending look

Hence they are often hooked and overcome

As they succumb and easily run to appease

Do whatever it takes to remove intimidation

Peer pressure and emotional manipulation

They bend, bow, and break ever so easily

Just the thought of such does make me queasy

An authentic life quenched by fear and timidity

As for me on the contrary, I cannot merely be

A product of my environment, turbulent stupidity

Opinionated animosity and frail human tendency

To respond ever bitterly whenever we do disagree

A foolishness certainly and definitely not for me

Call me a loser because I'm not loaded with cash

Call me a loser because I don't know every celebrity

Call me a loser because with me you disagree politically

Call me a loser because I don't embrace your ideology

Call me a loser because I don't drink with you socially

Call me a loser because I don't dress as you fashionably

Call me a loser because I don't drive your brand of car

Call me a loser because I don't talk and think as you are

Call me a loser because I break the mold and am bold

Call me a loser because I have a purpose beyond yours

Call me a loser because I have my own opportunity's doors

Call me a loser because my pursuits and pleasures differ

Call me a loser because I know God above and prefer

To be spiritually minded and possess heavenly vision

Call me a loser because I don't yield agreeably to opinion

Regardless of what you think or say in Christ I have dominion.

Invite Paul to speak in your city!

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