Share your love with poem
Labels: Love, Romantic story 0 comments
Our nation’s innocence is lost,Stolen by acts of hate.
Helpless people paid the cost,For them it is too late.
Daughters, sons, husbands, wives,Sisters, friends and brothers.
All of them have lost their lives,To senseless acts of others.
New York’s city has been defaced.Bodies lay in rubble.
They can never be replaced.But war won’t end our trouble.
Angers only escalate,As we point out the guilt.
Violence will perpetuate.While we dig through the silt,
Cries of anger, cries for war,Echo in the air.
As if our bombs and missiles soar,It will make it fair.
People claim “eye for an eye”Our nation wants to fight.
If their innocent people die,Then will that make US right?
Punishment surely must take place.These murderers must pay.
But they are groups and not a race.Keep liberty in mind, each day.
We are people of goodwill,Of truth and love and light.
Please give thought before you kill,Take heed before you fight.
We ask, what do we tell our children?
How do we give them ease?
Reactions set examples for them,
Should we not teach them peace?
By Tammy Kane
Poem for peace
Labels: Emotional poem, Occasion, Other 0 comments
“I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Ulysses By Alfred Lord Tennyson
Life to the lees. All times I have enjoyed
Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those
That loved me, and alone…
I am become a name;
For always roaming with a hungry heart
Much have I seen and known - cities of men
And manners, climates, councils, governments…
I am a part of all that I have met;
Yet experience is an arch where through
Gleams that untraveled world, whose margin fades
Forever and forever when I move.
How dull it is to pause, to make an end,
To rust unburnished, not to shine in use!..
And this gray spirit yearning in desire
To follow knowledge like a sinking star
Beyond the utmost bound of human thought…
Come, my friends,
‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world.
For my purpose holds
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths
Of all the western stars, until I die.
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
By Alfred Lord Tennyson
Labels: Emotional poem, Occasion, Other 0 comments
Why I want you even it may never know Poem to say that I love you
will I fire my heart.
You mean to me more than the lovely sky
no matter where I am it still in the hand of sky.
From the dark sky to the heavy rain,
no matter what I still in the sky.
Never think about the hardness it has come
I still happily in the hand of your sky.
Yet the silent still come.
I am thinking that in a moment of neglect
I might fly from this silent sky,
augh in the eyes of the man who like a sky
and beside you begin life anew.
The silent make me think this way
yet I dare not to make my way of the sky
even you wish me to be.
From behind the bars, every bright morning
the look of a child smile in my face;
when I begin a song of joy,
his lips come toward me with a kiss.
O sky, if I want one day
to fly from your silent,
what shall I say to the weeping child's eyes,
forget about me, for I am captive bird?
Labels: Emotional poem, Love, Other 0 comments
Fisher Man and his wife
Labels: Folk tale 0 comments
Labels: Folk tale 0 comments
The Hungry Liar
Labels: Folk tale 0 comments
The deer, the crow, and the tortoise
Labels: Folk tale 0 comments