Monday, November 24, 2008

Warrior Wisdom - Ageless Wisdom For the Modern Warrior by Bohdi Sanders

I was fortunate enough to read an advanced copy of "Warrior Wisdom: Ageless Wisdom for the Modern Warrior" by Bohdi Sanders to provide an endorsement on back and inside cover. When the book came out, I read it again. It is that good! In fact, I can't say enough good things about this book, I enjoyed it that much.

First of all, it is readily apparent that Sanders and I have studied much of the same things over the years. While we have not studied the same martial arts, we have studied much of the same warrior literature that has been written over the years. This includes ancient texts and modern works. Because of this, I recognized many of the quotes Sanders has in "Warrior Wisdom."

Before I go further, this is a quote book, but also much much more than a quote book. There are 167 entries or chapters to this book. Each entry starts with a quote. It is many of these that I was familiar with. Quotes such as, "He is victorious who knows when and when not to fight" by Sun Tzu and "In order to progress in life, one has to improve every day in an endless process." From the Hagakure. If all this book contained was 167 quotes on warriorship, I would still have enjoyed it, and would most likely read it again and again at various times. However, Sanders did not just compile a list of quotes. After each quote, Sanders has written commentary on the quote and what that means to those living as warriors today.

I found myself many times thinking, "He nailed that; that's how warriors should think and act." It is very apparent that Sanders has taken considerable time studying and thinking on warriorship and what it means to be a warrior. His personal definition goes beyond someone who is in the military or who engages in war. His definition of warrior can be obtained without having to actually kill in battle, but to engage oneself in the war of life, and live with honor and integrity. Don't be fooled that Sander's definition neglects the traditional concepts of battle and warfare that is indeed found in the term warrior. Sanders believes modern warriors should train and be prepared to battle injustices and be able to defend themselves and others. However, developing character shines through in many of the commentaries. I agree with Sanders one hundred percent in that warriors must live by a higher standard and the standards he presents in this text, if adhered to, will make anyone, man, woman, or child a better person, a stronger force for good, and a powerful example of someone who epitomizes character.

I find myself now picking up the book periodically to read one entry, and not just read it, but to study Sander's commentary and ask myself if that is how I am living. Personally, I find my military service and my martial studies to be part of me, not just something I did or do. They are a way of life. Sure, that may sound funny to some, but for those that actually live this way, we know it is a powerful way to live. The warrior's edge that I write and speak about is just what this book is about. Its about living more powerfully with honor, integrity, and self-discipline.

I encourage anyone to read this text and focus on the character and self-discipline lessons Sanders shares. Incorporating even some of the advice into your daily living will make a difference. If you are a warrior, or desire to live as one, read Warrior Wisdom.

Alain Burrese, J.D. is a mediator/attorney with Bennett Law Office P.C. and an author/speaker through his own company Burrese Enterprises Inc. He helps people discover their warrior's edge through writing and speaking about a variety of topics focusing on the business areas of negotiation and success principles as well as self-defense and safety. He is the author of Hard-Won Wisdom From the School of Hard Knocks, several instructional dvds, and numerous articles. You can find out more about Alain Burrese at his website.

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